Monday, June 16, 2014

The Day After

And now it's the day after.

The event is over.
The planning and preparation have come to fruition.
It happened, or it didn't, with all its glory and confusion, sorrow and celebration.
And now it's the day after.

The waiting is finished.
The decisions are done.
The whirlwind of wondering has died.
The chosen outfit worked, or it didn't, and beauty and horror and uncomfortable glamour was felt.
And now it's the day after.

The words that were said.
The tears that were cried.
The thoughts that still hang as an echo.
Were they real?  Was it right?  Was it necessary and true?  It was so important then.
And now it's the day after.

It felt so immediate.
It seemed so powerful.
It loomed so large and important.
It was the dream.
It was the fear.
It was the goal.
It was the end.

And now it's the day after.

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