Sunday, February 17, 2013

Life in Runes - Feb 18

Thurisaz R & Ehwaz

-Time to lower the shields and step into the flow
*great advice. what's the flow? 
-I don't really know.
* but then how do you tell when to step? Where to go?
 and drop my protection?  just on your say so?
- Well.
 If you stay in your bubble, you never will grow.
 If you don't plant the seeds, there's nothing to hoe.
 If you never step up, you'll always be low.
 So take a deep breath,
 Open the door
Put a foot forward
Step onto the floor
Make yourself present
Keep asking for more
and before you know it, you will be the flow.
*Do you really think so?
-Oh, just go!

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