Sunday, March 30, 2014


As I take my leave of you, I think of all that we've been through.
I release the emotional residue, as I take my leave from you.

There has been anguish, tears and pain, but I'm so tired of that refrain.
Life is births and endings, change.  There's often anguish, tears and pain.

There's also growth and love and joy - those most precious of life's alloys
Sometimes sparkling, sometimes coy, there's always growth and love and joy.

And yes, a maudlin song feels deep.  The tears into your voice can creep.
Your eyes can shimmer and 1 tear weep when singing that song which feels so deep.

But life is not the single tear.  Life is the screech that rings the ear.
Life is the laughter loud and clear.  Life is a torrent of bloating tears.

And all the things we have been through - the stops and starts, the false and true,
are endings yes, but startings too.  There's growth in all we have been through.

So I sing, as I take leave.  We shall celebrate and grieve.
The memories shall shift and sieve.  The song may change after I leave.

But joy will always be refrained. 

I hope you have a great life!

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