Sunday, April 3, 2016

Today's Happiness Practice - What works for me?

Today I am going to search for what works for me.

I am currently (still!) in the process of finding another job - a job that uses my brain, uses my skills, and still provides opportunity for me to learn something. I have been fretting over how long it's taking, and over how there are so many cool sounding jobs for which I am not qualified - not enough experience, not enough education, not enough... not enough... not enough...

And when submitting resumes and cover letters; when driving through the town staring at possibilities; when sitting up at night looking toward the future; I have been thinking, who wants me? What do I have to be to fit into your place? What parts of my experience are worthy of working for you?

And that thinking is totally against all of my happiness practice.

What my experience tells me is there are many opportunities out there that fit into MY criteria for a great possible future.

What my experience tells me is that any job that I try to reshape myself for, is going to be a job I soon begin to hate.

What my experience tells me is, the questions I need to ask are: Who do I want? Does your place fit my style and my needs? What places are out there who can best utilize my experience and help in my growth?

Who is worthy of me?

And who, what, will be able to fulfill and accommodate all these swirling, barely articulated possibilities?

Yes, I want more income. Yes, I am looking for another job. Yes, it's a big search through thousands of possibilities. Yes, sometimes I am frustrated and scared.

But today, I am going to practice believing in my Universe, believing in my happiness. And I am going to search, not for how I can fit into somebody else's mold, but for the molds that are made just for me.

Today, and hopefully for the rest of this process, I am going to search for the work that works for me.

I hope you have a great day!


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