Monday, July 25, 2016

Today's Happiness Practice - All 5 Steps

Today I am going to practice all 5 of the following steps: breathing; allowing; accepting; invisioning; starting.

Breathing - Just taking that moment to be, to breathe, to expand past the feelings of constriction and pressure. Breathing connects me with myself, and pushes away the perceived expectations.

Allowing - allowing the moment, the task, the action, the event to be what it is; no more and no less than what it is. Without the coloring of expectations or old opinions, what is this moment and how do I feel about it?

Accepting - What do I want to do with this moment, this task? Can I do it? What abilities can be used, what cannot?

Invisioning - seeing myself taking the action; feeling myself using the abilities I have, making the necessary changes; being the action.

Starting - getting up, or sitting down, and physically beginning the action. Taking that first step and the one after. Put things in motion.

Repeat as needed.

This is not "Just Do It". "Just do it" does not work for me. "Just do it" has me at a desk full of piles, and a sink full of dishes, and to do lists spread all over the place. "Just do it" has increased my tension and constriction.

I want to get things done, oh yes, but first I have to start. Somewhere I have to start. And I want to start so many different things. I want do so many different things.

So I am going to practice, for each thing that I want, all 5 steps.

I hope you have a great day!

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