Many years ago, I
realized I had a yen for male voices - singing voices in particular, but the
deeper a voice the more I liked it, speaking or singing. I chalked it up to attending an all female
high school.
I remember singing
at a Christmas mass. A cold caught me,
and I was unable to reach the soprano notes I usually reached. In fact, for that mass, I sang the bass line. It was fun.
I liked it.
Though I love the
power behind a well-executed high note which rings out across the audience,
high shrill voices really hurt my ears.
And yes, the huskier
the female lead the more I like the singer.
Yes, I love Cher's voice. The
depth of many blues singers hold me in thrall (and I don't really dig the
blues, I just like the voices.)
Which doesn't mean I
don't worship at the altars of Celine Dion, Bernadette Peters and Aine Minogue; I just would rather sing Trisha Yearwood, Bette Midler and Pink. And perhaps Alice Cooper, Neil Diamond and
Train. And seriously, in musical theater, who has the best songs? the Phantom. The Robber Bridegroom. Pippin. Joseph & the Narrator. Rusty.
The point of this is
the following. I went to see a
laryngologist today. A vocal ENT
specialist. I went because I have some
interesting, um, qualities?
Abilities? In my upper range.
Originally, I
thought my limitations were due to a lack of singing. And there's probably still some of that in
there… before this year I haven't
formally sung for over 20 years. (I
guess singing in my living room so my neighbors could hear doesn't count.) So yes, the muscles need to get into the
swing again. And, as you'll notice from
my blogs about singing and life, there are still some breathing issues I'd like
to relax away.
But it turns out
there is another issue that learning how to breathe properly will never fix.
One of my vocal
chords is shorter than the other.
I know. Can you believe it? What does that even mean?
It means, there are
only so many notes I can reach above middle C.
Middle C! I used to sing the G
above high C! I've lost a whole octave,
because right now, the G above Middle C is the top of my comfort range.
I can sing pretty
low, though. Not quite as low as the
red-head in Pitch Perfect after
her operation, but pretty low.
And singing low is
easy. Perhaps too easy. Perhaps I think I have to "work" at
my singing to be a good singer, no matter the quality of my voice or my
The doctor said it
was some sort of nerve damage caused by a virus. So who knows when or how. But it makes me wonder.
Did I do that? Mind over matter. My appreciation of a lower voice. My enjoyment of singing low. Did I manifest an alto range?
I mean, they often get more fun parts.
And they don't have to shriek.
And it's easier to breathe on the low notes.
Or, do I like all
those things, am attracted to the lower notes,
vibrate (if you will) with the Altos (and/or tenors) because I have
always had, or knew I was going to have, a shorter vocal chord? And it's only now that it has become an
evident issue?
I hope you have a
great day!
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