Thursday, June 23, 2016

Today's Happiness Practice - Whatcha gonna do about it now?

Today I'm going to do something about it.

As my brain tries to paralyze me with anxiety and infinite possibilities, I am going to respond with actions.

For example, my car was wouldn't start yesterday.

Part of me is fine, and calm, and connected.

And part of me is running in circles, freaking out. Oh my god! the money.  Oh my god! how am I going to get places? Oh my god! I MUST keep these very important appointments. OH MY GOD!  (who is responding -  Quit Shouting! I can hear you!)

Happily, I have enough practice to know what to do. I present myself with options.

Worried about money? Work on the Intro to Happiness Seminar. Apply for another job. Balance the check book so I have knowledge of what is currently available.

Appointments? Check out my options. Look up Uber. Look up Cab companies. Look up bus schedules.

Want a new car? Look up those options. Get information. Schedule a test drive.

Action helps bleed out the anxious energy and gives focus to the area of concern.

Today I have a plan of action.

I hope you have a great day!

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